Tunisia up close: A practical semester with Alexander

Between construction sites and culture: how a stay abroad enriches your studies.
"Tunisia impressed me with its hospitality and diversity."

Alexander is currently in his fifth semester studying for a Bachelor in energy and building technology and working at DELTA as part of the German “work study program” (university with integrated work experience).

His practical semester took him to Tunisia for six weeks, more specifically to Sousse, where our branch is based.


During his stay abroad, Alex assisted his Tunisian colleagues in several ongoing projects, both in the office and in construction supervision and as-built initial surveys. He regularly visited various construction sites for this purpose. Being able to go on site helped him to develop a deeper understanding of the local conditions and requirements of the construction projects.

However, travelling on the Tunisian roads presented him with a whole new challenge.


The trips to the construction site proved to be a real adventure, sometimes taking 3.5 hours. But the road adventure took even more twists and turns: During his entire stay, Alex was stopped four times by the police - presumably due to the rental car or his very decent driving style by Tunisian standards ;) What was particularly curious was that three of these stops happened during a single trip to Tunis, which caused a lot of amusement among his Tunisian colleagues.


In addition to work, Alex found time for a few excursions. Among other things, he visited Sidi Bou Said with its blue and white houses. In Tunis, the former Carthage, he and his colleagues visited an old Roman thermal bath (ruins) and a mosaic museum. Alex also explored Hammamet with its medina and Hammamet Fort.

The weekends were supposed to be an opportunity to take a deep breath, but Alex often spent them working on assignments for university. At a pleasant 26°C, he made the most of the sunshine on the balcony while the snow was raging in Germany. He also watched a lot of Bundesliga matches in the hotel bar - they organized one of the many televisions to be switched to the German Bundesliga especially for him, while other guests watched the African Champions League matches spellbound.


The warmth of the people in Tunisia and culinary discoveries contributed to Alexander's trip being so unforgettable. "Tunisia impressed me with its hospitality and diversity. It was an experience that enriched me personally and professionally. I am grateful for the memories I will take home with me."


The challenges and experiences that Alex gained during his stay in North Africa were not just invaluable for him, but also for our company. Being directly involved in international construction projects allowed him to broaden  his understanding of working in an engineering environment in a different country and all the challenges that presents. But also, perhaps more importantly, to strengthen his intercultural skills. The close collaboration with his Tunisian colleagues not only improved his language skills, but also his understanding of different working methods and perspectives.


For our company, such experience abroad opens up the opportunity to benefit from the variety of global construction projects. The knowledge and practices gained from other countries are incorporated into our work processes, resulting in innovative solutions and a broader horizon for future projects. By promoting such international experiences, we not only invest in the personal and professional development of our employees, but also in the continuous development of our company on a global level.

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